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The model can produce one or multiple realizations of a reservoir while honouring data. The resulting 3D blocks can be used to test hypotheses on architecture, to extract training images or virtual wells, to perform fluid simulations… All resulted 3D blocked are informed with lithofacies, grain size and age of deposit properties.

3D reservoir architecture

Different architectural styles can be easily reproduced by varying the aggradation rate that directly influences the sand ratio, or the frequency of avulsions that controls the sandbodies extension.

Ribbon type reservoir

Sheet type reservoir

Legend: End members such as ribbon type or sheet type reservoirs are simulated for a given size of the channel. Differences in connectivity are illustrated on the vertical and horizontal sections.

Note: 3D sand bodies views come from Isatis software


A conditioning process is used to honour well and seismic data. It aims at reproducing at each iteration the local conditions of deposition, so that the process deposits preferentially (but not 100%) what is expected at data locations.

Legend: Seismic time slice used to control the spatial distribution of sand. Here, the VPC matrix shows the agreement between simulated sand distribution and the expected one from the seismic time slice.

Legend: Two realizations of a simulation conditional on well data.

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